Unnatural Animal Growth
Animals are forced to grow up to three times faster than nature intended
Nowadays, the population of animals such as cows, pigs, sheep, fishes and chickens are growing faster than before. This is a good thing for us because we can get our daily meat and proteins from fresh markets or local stores. However, it is very strange that those type of animals can grow three times faster than how normally they should grow by their natural intended.
These animals are being forced to grow into bigger sizes than they should. Example like cows or young cattle are taken away from their mothers at birth and are sent off to veal farms where they will spend the rest of their short lives. The calves are not allowed to stay with their mothers as they would drink their mother’s milk, which is desired by the industry for human consumption instead. Dairy cows have been bred to produce up to 10 times more milk than they naturally would. 30% of dairy cows have mastitis, a bacterial infection of the udder. This means that pus is processed in with the milk humans consume.
Pigs are also heartless victims in the unnatural growth system. They started being kept ever since they were piglet. They are forced to eat even though they are full and drink gallons of water every day until the body of a pig can satisfied their desire.

Fig. 1

​This is a picture of pigs being fed by water repeatedly every day to their unnatural growth.
Fig. 2
A picture of a overfed pig and get slaughtered afterwards.
Until this day, we cannot stop all these unnatural growth of certain farm animals but to warn this to the public so that these farmers would get arrested for their wrongdoings or either way to fine them for causing such cruelty to those poor animals. We also need to take note and be self-aware that these oversize animals will also has side effects if we ever consume them, causing sickness like stomachache and so on. To make better lives for everyone, we also need to protect animals so that virus or bacteria will not enter their body before consumption.
#FactoryFarming #AnimalCruelty #CageTheCruelty #AnimalSaviourJC
Written by: Dominic. P 19th of July 2020
References website for image credits:
Figure 1- https://www.animalaid.org.uk/the-issues/our-campaigns/animal-farming/suffering-farmed-pigs/
Figure 2- https://weanimalsmedia.org/2019/11/07/pigs-of-god/
References website for research: