Picture Credit: AussiePigs
Treatment of pigs in factory farms
Factory farming is a type of industrial farming that is responsible for the rearing of farm animals. These practices have grown in popularity since 1900’s to the early 20th century. In factory farms, animals are treated as commodities, as proven by the poor conditions inside the factories. This is because they can maximize their profits by treating animals not as sentient, living beings but as production units.
Due to human demand, pigs are primary victims of factory farming. Facilities which focuses on pigs are known as piggeries. In countries like Australia, inhumane practices have been undertaken on these innocent pigs.
Credit: AussiePigs
As a piglet, they are born into a heavily crowded and unnatural environment. They are quickly taken from their mothers resulting in high levels of anxiety as well as undergoing surgical procedures. Firstly, their teeth are cut and grinded to prevent irritation for their mothers when milking without the use of painkillers. This results in weeks of pain combined with the castration of all male piglets with again no anaesthetic. After all the torture, the piglets are loaded into enclosures.
As a female, they are the ‘producers’ in a factory farm. When pregnant, these pigs are moved into a body sized enclosure called ‘sow stalls’. In these circumstances, they cannot interact with other pigs and lack space to move, thus resulting in psychological damage. When approaching birth, they are moved into ‘furrowing crates’ which restricts any movement. Their piglets are removed immediately after taking milk from their mother. After this process is done, the sows are made pregnant again to repeat the process, until they cannot produce an acceptable amount of pigs. After they are no longer useful, they are killed.
As a male, they are contained in enclosures in order to grow a suitable size. These confined spaces have no fresh air, no space and lack decent hygiene levels. These boars are forced to live life in an unnatural environment with concrete grounds and complete darkness.
In summary, these pigs are forced to live in a factory with very low almost non-existent standards for both hygiene and living conditions. Due to closed and tight spaces, these pigs experience both physical and psychological damage. They are treated as products and commodities instead of actual sentient beings with thoughts and feelings.
Factory farming exists because most people in the agriculture industry do not care about the rights and welfares of animals. These people prioritize money over the lives of other living creatures. Factory farming is an inhumane practice that represents the epitome of animal cruelty that can be committed by heartless humans. These practices absolutely need to be stopped. You can help by spreading awareness by sharing this article with friends and family in an effort to bring this situation to light.
#FactoryFarming #AnimalCruelty #CageTheCruelty #AnimalSaviourJC
Written by: Adam. L 16th of july 2020
N/A. Ethical issues in agriculture – factory farming