Picture Credit: The Green Vegans
Psychological Effects of Animal Testing on Animals and Humans
For a long time, we have used animals as our sacrificial lambs in experimentation for multiple purposes. Large numbers of animals are sacrificed worldwide each year in biomedical research as well as other products. Because of this, our science and technology has improved drastically to the point it is today. But have we ever considered the physical and psychological impacts of said experiments on innocent animals?
Subjects of animal testing such as rats, mice, dogs, cats, and many others live in a constant state of terror, loneliness, and boredom. This is because they are confined in small cages and containers. These animals are either overcrowded or isolated.
These animals are subjected to Category E experiments. These experiments range from exposure to noxious agents/stimuli, exposure to drugs or chemicals at dangerous levels, procedures that causes pain superior the pain threshold of many unanesthetized conscious animals, and many others.
One common chemical safety test involves placing compounds in a rabbit’s eye.
Most of these victims experience Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). These animals are traumatized for years, often decades, of repeated injections, confinement, fear, isolation, and many others. Martin Brune, the head researcher of primate trauma reports that, “Some of the animals engaged in self-mutilating behaviours such as scratching wounds and keeping them open, and others showed stereotypic movements like constant body rocking. Others smeared their faeces everywhere and engaged in coprophagy. Such behaviours have never been observed in wild populations, so we can be quite sure to assume that these are abnormal behaviours.”
It turns out that the researchers are also victims in a sense. This is because most of them are involved in scientific research to improve human and animal health as well as society as a whole. However, they are trained to compartmentalize the animals they research on. In order to carry out experiments on animals, researchers are trained and must repress any feelings of sympathy, empathy, and compassion they might have for the victims. Many of these researchers fail to do so and end up suffering from Perpetration-Induced Traumatic Stress (PITS).
While it is an absolute fact that animal experimentation has brought a lot of good for humans and society as a whole, we must be aware of the consequences these experiments on humans and animals whether or not the ends justify the means. Otherwise we will take for granted of the sacrifices of the animals and researchers involved.
#AnimalTesting #AnimalCruelty #CageTheCruelty #AnimalSaviourJC
Written by: Adam. L 3rd of August 2020
Zipporah, 2013. The Double Trauma of Animal Experimentation