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Picture Credit: The One Voice

Why fur should be banned in fashion

Fur Clothing

Fur has always been a big part of fashion. Whether it be for handbags or coats, fur has become a popular and exclusive aspect of fashion. But did you know that these fur products represent as a danger for many animals especially endangered ones?


Fur farms are whereas the name suggests animals are farmed for their fur. These animals are denied any expression of natural expression. For example, the mink which is the most widely farmed animal, are semi aquatic and solitary by nature yet they are confined in cages side by side as well being denied swimming in water. These animals are kept in long rows of tiny wire mesh cages with wire mesh floors resulting in their urine and feces falling through the bars making them very uncomfortable.


Furthermore, these factory fur farmed animals show stereotypic abnormal behaviors such as pacing, gnawing at the cage bars, self-mutilation, and even cannibalism. The animals are killed by gassing, decompression chambers, neck-snapping or electrocution through the mouth and anus.


Furs that come from animals not from factory farms are obtained through trapping, which is in fact a recreational activity for both adults and children. The steel-jawed leghold trap which is the most widely used in the UK and Europe provides the animals caught in it a long and painful death. Animals that attempt escape can only do so by gnawing off their legs. Luckily, the trapping device has been banned in the mentioned countries but is still being used by others.


In China, dogs and cats are being killed for their fur. These furs are obtained when animals are skinned alive, these animals are then killed via bludgeoning, suffocation, hanged, or left to bleed to death. These furs are then exported into North America and many European countries to be used for fur trims on coats, gloves, handbags, and toys. These methods are undoubtedly cruel and the people who orchestrate them know what they are doing. But of course, their primary concern is not the welfare of the animals in their captive, instead it is the preservation of their fur and through these methods, the fur is kept intact.


It is only possible to stop this when people stop buying fur products. You can stop this practice by not buying any fur related products. It is important that we stop this inhumane practice as soon as possible as every second that goes by means an animal suffered for a second more than they should have. Please raise awareness by sharing this article with people you know such as friends or family. No animal should suffer for the sake of our fashion choices.


#AnimalTesting #AnimalCruelty #CageTheCruelty #AnimalSaviourJC


Written by: Adam. L 22th of July 2020




Animal Defenders International (2017). Why is it wrong to wear fur


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