Picture Credit: Humane Society International
Test Subjects for Cosmetic Researches
In modern days, animals such as monkeys, rabbits, mice and others are being tested for research purposes in many laboratories under both government and private companies’ control. Some say these animals are being tested for their natural habitat, their physical capability for humankind and other reasons that involves scientific researches.
An example for these harmless animals are the rabbits. They are being tested for their Draize Eye and Skin tests. The Draize test is used to measure irritation or corrosion caused to the eye or skin, but it is notoriously unreliable, producing highly variable results. It is also extremely unpleasant and painful, causing eye reddening, swelling, ulceration, even blindness, or skin cracking and bleeding.
Ways to end cosmetics
One of the ways to end this horrible nightmare for those animals being treated as hostels is to raise awareness on stopping animal cosmetic. Let people around the world to know what is happening to the population of these specific animals so that we can group together and stand as one to fight for their freedom. Causing such a riot will eventually have a higher chance to get the public’s attention and also to get noticed by the government.
Second way to keep these harmless animals safe is to provide them a better place to stay. To do so, we need the public’s help as well to donate some cash to help out like a fund-raising campaign. Throughout the years, those who are doing the campaign did receive several donations from small to big companies.
We do understand sometimes these tests are being held for human resources and medication. Just to be fair to the animals as well, they can try to lessen a bit on testing animals every day for their experiments. Knowing how those animals has been through those painful times, brings sadness to us too because we care for every living thing that lives on earth. Please stop cosmetic as soon as possible so that those animals can no longer suffer and can live peacefully.
#AnimalTesting #AnimalCruelty #CageTheCruelty #AnimalSaviourJC
Written by: Dominic. P 26th of july 2020