Picture Credit: Alex. L
Japanese restaurant serves up bullfrog that has been skinned alive
In the year 2014, a restaurant in Japan was serving bullfrogs that were skinned alive and chopped to many pieces to customers. A video was uploaded to the internet detailing said skinning.
Said video can be seen here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2730385/Is-disgusting-meal-A-restaurant-Japan-serves-live-bullfrog-beheaded-skinned-chopped-pieces.html. The video shows the chef stabbing, beheading, and skinning a live frog to serve as sashimi. The bullfrog was then served on ice with soy sauce and a lemon slice.
Even though the frog was killed instantly by the chef, its legs were still moving and its eyes were blinking at the camera. The frog may seem like it trying to escape the plate, but it is more likely that the movements were just the contractions of muscles and nerves. The video sparked outrage especially on YouTube where viewers have called the process and act ‘cruel’ and ‘torture’. This process was so bizarre that a Japanese chef Mamie Nishide, told Fox News that it wasn’t a typical dish. “I just don’t want you to think this is Japanese food that the Japanese enjoy. It’s not. This is bizarre.”
The restaurant was known for serving unusual dishes such as soft-shelled turtles, pig testicles, snake liquor, grilled salamander, still-beating frog’s heart, and the live bullfrog sashimi shown in the video. This act of cruelty was considered interesting and drew in tourists and the Japanese locals. Animals such as bullfrogs were being directly tortured and eaten alive by people with unique palates. The woman in the video smiles at the camera then devours the frog that has been prepared for her.This incident has sparked a controversy on the Internet whereby one side believes that the act and process of the video called it cruel and torture while others claim that any animal killed for meat also suffers but most people don’t see that process happening.
Regardless, the way the Japanese chef handled the bullfrog was definitely inhumane as the bullfrog was skinned alive instead of being skinned post-mortem. This act should be stopped at once as it causes unnecessary suffering for the animals and brings into question on how far humans will go in order to bring something new to the table. One way to prevent this from happening is to raise awareness of this situation by sharing this article with people you know. You can also follow our campaign ‘Cage the Cruelty’ which can help keep you updated on situations regarding animal cruelty as well as supporting the protection and rights an animal has.
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Written by: Adam. L 23 of June 2020