Picture Credit: Karoliina T, Dogs of All Nations
Unnatural Chicken Growth
The population of chicken has been maintaining positive year by year. Unfortunately, it takes time for every chicken to grow as much as they can. We are here to talk the horrifying truth on how chickens are growing faster than how they should be.
In the 19th century, chickens back then were raised and allow them growth naturally then only able to sell them to local fresh markets, restaurants or farms. Chickens during that time need at least 68 days to grow meat and produce nutrition for food. However, started or before the year 2008, chickens can grow to twice the size than before. We all can see how that chickens that were sold in markets or most likely wherever we go has different sizes displaced. Here is a picture down below that shows the comparison between the chicken back then during the year 1950 and 2008.
In other cases, people said chicken can grow to that huge size is through hormone injection. Despite a ban imposed by the Union agriculture ministry on using growth hormones, poultry are being fed the same for commercial exploitation. The severe summer took a huge toll on the birds and many of them died of virus attacks. The antibiotics used in livestock and poultry feeds are chlortetrachyline, procaine penicillin, oxytetracycline, tylosin, bacitracin, neomycin sulphate, streptomycin, erythromycin, linomycin, oleandomycin, virginamycin and bambermycin. These are used against virus and bacteria affecting poultry. One shot of this antibiotic to the chicken will cause virus into their body and spread to other living things who consume the chicken which is us, humans. Slowly this case has been very serious that the government has try to catch those who are doing the injections or either fine them with an amount for causing such action to those innocent chickens.
In conclusion, we just hope chicken can grow naturally by themselves and not being forced to grow faster by the actions of mankind. It is such a crucial thing to do to those innocent chickens, as much as those other animals under the same situation as chickens.
#FactoryFarming #AnimalCruelty #CageTheCruelty #AnimalSaviourJC
Written by: Dominic. P 7th of july 2020