Picture Credit: Kahani M.
Cruelty of Animal Experimentations
There is absolutely nothing nice about animal experiments. Multi-million-dollar companies and organizations experiment on animals for the sole purpose of, for example, regulatory tests for chemical safety ingredients in make up or essential body products for us humans. Some experiments are to see if vaccines work or to see if medications are safe for human ingestion. Most of these experiments carried out in laboratories result in poor animals dying after living a life being raise in tight cages or containers, free of natural life, sunlight and fresh outside air that every living animal deserves.
In the United States alone an estimate of 26 million animals are raised as well as used to undergo animal experiments each year. Commercial and scientific testing require multi-million-dollar companies to undergo this cruel but real procedure. Animals are experimented on to develop new medical treatments, also to determine the toxicity of medications, as mentioned earlier, to check the safety of said product destined for us humans as well as other commercial, biomedical and health care uses.
According to the U.S Department of Agriculture, over 800,000 cats, dogs, guinea pigs as well as other lovely unfortunate animals who are suppose to be covered by the Animal Welfare Act laws are instead used for research in the US, in cruel experiments for various pharmaceutical and cosmetic as well as healthcare companies. These sad stats don’t just end there, of those 800,000 plus animals experimented on, it is confirmed that over 70,000 are subjected to extricating pain and killed off after the experiments are done. Scientists and their institutions say they’re committed to keeping pain or distress to a minimum in lab animals where they can.
However, even though scientists assure us there are committed to keeping the pain and suffering of animals to a minimum, when profit margins are in play and are for the taking, efficiency, saving the cost of time as well as money are always the go to for multi-million-dollar companies that want their products experimented on by a great number of poor animals that can also feel, share and experience pain as well as compassion for one another.
Compassion that those in charge at the top of these super rich companies are lacking substantially. It is very cruel to say the least but this is the reality we live in. Some scientists will leak footage or information about a company’s cruelty act instructions to animal welfare group or animal rights movements to make go viral in an attempt to stop the cruelty for happening but majority of scientist under the pay check of these super rich companies get the experimenting done and their mouth’s shut.
Are these harsh experiments even useful or effective to find out whether or not the products are safe for us humans to apply or consume? Animal experiments only aid human beings if the results we get (after putting the poor animals in such pain) are valid and can be applied to human beings.
Not every scientist on this earth believes or are convinced that these animal experimentation tests are of help to us humans and some believe that is isn’t even useful to begin with. animals have not been as critical to the advancement of medicine as is typically claimed by proponents of animal experimentation. Moreover, a great deal of animal experimentation has been misleading and resulted in either withholding of drugs, sometimes for years, that were subsequently found to be highly beneficial to humans, or to the release and use of drugs that, though harmless to animals, have actually contributed to human suffering and death (Jane Goodall, 1999).
A scientist of ethics and behaviour, John P. Gluck offers an advice for people or big organizations who insist on the need to experiment on animals, “The use of animals in research should evolve out of a strong sense of ethical self-examination. Ethical self-examination involves a careful self-analysis of one's own personal and scientific motives. Moreover, it requires a recognition of animal suffering and a satisfactory working through of that suffering in terms of one's ethical values” (John P. Gluck, 1991).
Animal experimentation is a cruel act towards millions upon millions of animals each year worldwide and there is not way to stop this cruel act for good. However, we can work together with animal rights and activist to reduce and make authorities enforce laws that ensure animals that are experimented on are done so with care and the smallest amount of pain. Eventually after voicing out our concerns together in a united front with accurate facts and evidence I am sure that it will make an impact on these animal experimentation cruelties.
#AnimalTesting #AnimalCruelty #CageTheCruelty #AnimalSaviourJC
Written by: Joshua. C 2nd of August 2020