Picture Credit: Adamtomforrest
Sharp Ends
Cruel Crossbow Attacks On Animals
In the modern days, crossbow animal cases are increasing almost in every news. Innocent or wild animals are being shoot by mankind. It is either shooting them for a reason, protecting themselves from the wild animals or they treating this action as a hobby like hunting. Here are some cases of animals being killed by crossbow throughout time to time.
The picture above shows a cat shot with a crossbow bolt in “sickening” attack. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; RPSCA said that it was a miracle that there was no serious damage was done to this cat. Whether it is serious or not, this could almost kill the cat. This cat was innocent and got accidentally shoot by a random person out there but thank God the cat was immediately send to the vet for recovery.
Based on the research, There is another case of crossbow incident but to a seagull. RPSCA said, “This poor bird would have suffered a great deal from this heartless attack.” The seagull suffered more than we expected, not only the bow that was stuck on its wing make it painful, it also made the bird cannot fly for a period of time. It needs a long time for it to recover and able to fly again. After such a case, they decided to make a new law. All wild birds are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and it is illegal - except under license - to take, injure or kill wild birds or interfere with their nest or eggs. Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, the use of crossbows to kill or take birds is also prohibited. Therefore, the maximum penalty is six months in prison and/or a £5,000 fine. It is a good thing they will punish for those who are trying to harm innocent animals as this will teach them a lesson.
Based on the research, there is a kangaroo named, Frank, got shoot by a crossbow through his back-right leg with the tip of the arrow and was left with a hole in his neck in the mindless act at Lysterfield Park in Melbourne, Australia. He was found injured and bleeding at Lysterfield Park in Melbourne was taken to Woofpurnay Veterinary Hospital for treatment. Frank had life-saving surgery and is now being cared for at Five Freedoms Animal Rescue shelter. Luckily Frank has a strong heart to resist most of the pain he has suffered.
In conclusion of these few crossbow animal cases, we hope that in future there will be lesser news about these actions and hope to punish those who continues to harm these animals by catching them and either putting them to jail or fine them.
#AnimalCruelty #CageTheCruelty #AnimalSaviourJC
Written by: Dominic. P 29 of June 2020