Picture Credit: Scott Olson
No Natural Life
There is no natural life in the process of factory farming. Factory farming is whereby the practice of raising as well as breeding large number of animals in unnatural and cramped condition’s while exposing those poor animals to unacceptably harsh conditions for the harvesting of their milk, eggs and meat among other body parts. The term factory farming is most commonly used for cows, pigs, as well as chickens. That being said, many other animals are frequently treated in the same harsh manner.
Factory farms are built specifically to be as efficient and effective as possible, regardless of the level of cruelty the animals at the factory farm endures. While there might be some differences between factory farming worldwide, the main things concocting all of these farms is the suffering as well as cruelty that the animals face while living a life in confinement, awaiting imminent slaughter.
Many animals that are being held captive in factory farms tend to go crazy and insane. An example would be that pigs often live in tiny barred kennels where they are not allowed to stand up or even turn around. These poor pigs even bite the bars that are enclosing them, harm themselves and even squeal in agonising pain as well as distress. The natural life animals are supposed to be entitled to are taken away and instead before their eventual death by slaughter, these animals have to incur a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering. The worse is when animals “misbehave” or cause factory farmer’s staff trouble, they are always electrically shocked, beaten or punished harshly by human workers. The other animals, who look on helplessly with the ability to feel compassion and fear, look on in terror and pain.
These highly intelligent animals are loving animals even if we want them for food, workers at the factory farms should never abuse of their power over them by confining, beating, torturing and separating these poor animals from their loved ones. The process of factory farming completely takes away the natural aspects of life every animal on earth needs, let alone pigs, cows, chickens, goats, sheep and many more. When factory farmed, these unfortunate animals have no proper nutrition, no exercise, no joy and no mental stimulation.
Factory farming is the main cause of animal abuse as well as suffering according to the UN (United Nations). These animals are feeling and responsive beings that have strong emotions too but sadly factory farm workers take their life away and more painful as well as sickening so is the fact that these feeling animals are put through a torturous journey before their eventual death, without experiencing a natural life they well and truly deserve. These helpless animals will never get a chance to meet their father, mother, brothers or sisters. They will never feel their protection, care and love, instead they will only feel the harshness of humans of the food industry.
For all factory farmed animals, the only time, the only chance to feel and see the light as well as the warmth of the sun will be during the trip to the slaughterhouse. Even so, the way the factory farm workers transport these rather unfortunate animals are incredibly inhumane. Animals are crammed into large trucks, sometimes travelling super long distances, without even water and food. All factory farmed animals end up in the same place at the end of their miserable lives, the slaughterhouse. If their lives were so miserable their deaths are a nightmare. Animals are stunned by electric shock, hung upside down and eventually decapitated. All this animal violence and brutality happens for the animals after witnessing their other animal friends and family who have gone, being slaughtered before them. No animal deserves such cruel life or death. When will we learn to show humanity and integrity? When will we learn to respect our fellow planet companions, that god created to co-exist with us on this shared earth?
#FactoryFarming #AnimalCruelty #CageTheCruelty #AnimalSaviourJC
Written by: Joshua. C 2nd of july 2020