Picture Credit: Taipei Expat
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Shrimped are repeatedly fished everyday for entertainment
Shrimps are decapod crustaceans like crabs and lobsters but with elongated bodies and a primarily locomotion when it is on swimming mode. Although the population of shrimps are expanding day by day, they are always being hunted and eaten by their predators in the food chain from fishes to whales and also humans. Not only shrimps are eaten by us humans, they are being treated as an entertainment as well in some countries.
The two pictures above show a restaurant or a shop located in Taipei, Taiwan that welcome their customers to come in and fish for shrimps. The people find it amusing when it comes to fishing for their own shrimps. While waiting for the shrimps to get caught on every rods, customers will get a drink or snacks to pass the time, it is also another way for the restaurant to earn more money. It is very sad if we think about this cycle; shrimps were already caught by fishermen from the ocean and then sent to these restaurants and already know they are going to be cooked there but before this moment, they are being caught again in there. It is like the shrimps are running for their lives while we as humans are harvesting them and feel entertained and fun to do this to the shrimps. Here are some pictures provided that shows what happens next when the shrimps are caught by the people inside that restaurant.
And lastly the shrimps are being fried and served to the public as money for exchange. Shrimps should be living free under the oceans and not being caught and toy around with. One way we can lessen this problem is to limit the amount of shrimp harvest per day. Even if the shrimp’s population is not decreasing, we hope we can maintain it this way and not to play with their lives by serving them as an entertainment to earn money. For restaurants such as these, they can limit the number of shrimps each customer can only buy or catch, if they do not wish to have this rule, then they should increase the charges for catching each shrimps or set a time limit for how long each person is provided to catch the shrimps. If these actions are granted, I think the population of shrimps will be balanced again and not being tortured by our human acts.
#AnimalCruelty #CageTheCruelty #AnimalSaviourJC
Written by: Dominic. P 24 of June 2020